Now anybody can produce 4D home video for motion seats of 4D cinema systems. But much easier and faster!
If You would like to record new adventure of extrim sport or another and save the movie with all sensations, just start up recording the motions together with your camcorder.
The tracker will encode XY angles deviations into left track of stereo audio WAV file and record a sound of microphone into right track.
After that, put your video file and WAV file of tracker into video editor like CyberLink PowerDirector or Adobe Premiere Pro and synchronise both by audio tracks to be sure that a motion seat will move your body synchroniusly, according video track.
Now You can edit your video, cut at the beginning and at the end, speed up or down. Track of encoded angles deviation will be changed with video.
When your movie done, just save your video file without audio of tracker and save separatly edited WAV file of tracker.
With our special program, You can decode the angles deviations into metadata file wich will be manage a motion seat. Your 4D home video is ready to get back your adventure.
Because the tracker records real angles deviations with high frequancy 10 Hz, your 4D home video will be much more realistic than computed motions in regular 4D public cinema.
We especially recommend the tracker for 3d 360 panoramic video to receive full environment of your adventure.
Limitations: your smartphone should be equiped buil in accelerometer and microphone.
All rights reserved. Patent pending.